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! BREAKING NEWS: Dec 17, 2021 Please be informed that during WINTER HOLIDAY tea production is on pause. Due to this intermittence, we are not able to ship between DEC. 28, 2021 and JAN. 6 2022. We will resume dispatching orders from the 6th of January 2022. Happy New Year!


Yellow tea, also known as huángchá in Chinese, is an increasingly rare type of tea. The process for making yellow tea is similar to that of green but with an added step of “sealed yellowing”, a process of encasing and steaming the tea. This allows the tea to oxidize at a slower rate, producing a far more mellow taste than is found in most green teas and a characteristic yellowish color. Yellow tea has a higher caffeine, polyphenol, and theanine content.


Yellow tea from Sichuan Province, China

  • ¥410 / 3 g sample
  • ¥4,104 / 30 g BAG
  • ¥12,312 / 100 g BAG
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approx. $ 35.75 *
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